Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hi...well I am not one for keeping a journal but I this could be a good time in my life to start writing things down.  I really don't care if anyone reads is open if any one wants to but keep in mind they are just thoughts.

I am very lucky to have two beautiful girls.   I am so proud of them.  Raising them has been the most rewarding yet difficult, exciting yet challenging  journey one could ever imaging going on.

They have brought me so much joy but have also been the result of so much sadness.  I do  not mean that in a negative way.  I mean that every mother has their happiness wrapped up in whether their children are happy, and in the choices they make.  My kids, not unlike myself, have made both good and bad choices.  They both have endured illnesses at sometime in their life, and I am glad to say that both of them rose above them all.

I would not change anything about my girls.  Their journeys have made them who they are and me who I am.  Seriously, I feel like have have grown up with them.  I know that may sound odd but it is so true.  Oh, if I only knew what I know now when I first became a mother, I would have been amazing...maybe that is why Grandparents are so awesome!

Talking about Grandparents, my own parents have the been the best to my girls.  They are so much a part of their lives.  We are very lucky to have them.

My girls are now 20 and 18.  I don't know when that happened - it seems that I just blinked and they went from cute little girls to these beautiful young women.  Since both girls have a strong testimony of their Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ, I know they are ready to face the world on their own.

The question I ready?

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hi...well I am not one for keeping a journal but I this could be a good time in my life to start writing things down.  I really don't care if anyone reads is open if any one wants to but keep in mind they are just thoughts.

I am very lucky to have two beautiful girls.   I am so proud of them.  Raising them has been the most rewarding yet difficult, exciting yet challenging  journey one could ever imaging going on.

They have brought me so much joy but have also been the result of so much sadness.  I do  not mean that in a negative way.  I mean that every mother has their happiness wrapped up in whether their children are happy, and in the choices they make.  My kids, not unlike myself, have made both good and bad choices.  They both have endured illnesses at sometime in their life, and I am glad to say that both of them rose above them all.

I would not change anything about my girls.  Their journeys have made them who they are and me who I am.  Seriously, I feel like have have grown up with them.  I know that may sound odd but it is so true.  Oh, if I only knew what I know now when I first became a mother, I would have been amazing...maybe that is why Grandparents are so awesome!

Talking about Grandparents, my own parents have the been the best to my girls.  They are so much a part of their lives.  We are very lucky to have them.

My girls are now 20 and 18.  I don't know when that happened - it seems that I just blinked and they went from cute little girls to these beautiful young women.  Since both girls have a strong testimony of their Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ, I know they are ready to face the world on their own.

The question I ready?

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